Friday, February 15, 2008

are you TRYING to piss me off? haha

So that's what this girl, Kim, in my English class always says. But she's joking.
I'm sitting in English, 8th period, the last 45 mins. before winter break, and there's a sub in my class. I can't wait to be home because I have had a headache since third period. And now Kim, Amanda, and I are talking about if time really does slow down if you spin really fast counter-clockwise, or if the earth slows down or if anything happens at all. BTW---this is in relation to the comic on the previous post.
It's a pretty intense discussion. Hahaha.

As Geeky As This Is...

...It's still so sweet. I think I'm a hopeless romantic.

And That's My New Philosophy

I have no life! I am constantly awake and doing something. It's kind of funny, because most of the time I'm just procrastonating and not doing homework, or I'm watching TV or on the computer. But I do have other things going college music auditions and play practices and choir practices and damned hw.....but when I'm not doing any of that stuff, I'm doing nothing and complaining about how I have no time to do anything and that I'm always up til God-knows-when in the morning. I think I'm nocturnal.....That could be interesting.
But I did buy some books on and sheet music from tonight. I'm so excited! ha. I'm just a geek like that. :)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Start of Something New

This is a new thing for me....well, kind of new. I used to have another blog, but I just got tired of that one so I hadn't used it in, like, forever. So, I started a new one.
I really don't have a set topic of discussion for this blog; I'll pretty much be talking about anything that pops into my head at any point in time. For instance, it's Valentine's Day today, and I already hate's not even 1:30 am. Hahaha.
Well, it's going to be random, and it's going to be a journey. So take a seat, read a while, and hold on tight! My life is one hella bumpy ride.