Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hate is Such a Strong Word

Right at this very moment, I should be studying for my AP Euro test, but I really don't feel like it. I am to tired and too bored and two psyched about the Spring Musical (which starts tomorrow, btw), and I don't feel like studying!

I hate studying. SO MUCH I can't even tell you.

All I really have to do is read through my notes again, but I'm too fidgety and too awake to do so... probably because I have so much caffeine in my system.

This is how THAT happened:
I was on my way home from youth group, and I stopped at Starbucks to get a grande white mocha latte, and I went to pick it up at the pick-up section, and the guy was like, "Do you know whose venti this is?" I was like, "nope. I have no idea." He said, "You can have it then." So I asked what it was and he told me that it was a caramel macchiato. I had never had one, so I tried it and like it, so I took it with me. The white mocha lattes don't usually have too much caffeine in them, but, apparently the caramel macchiato did. So I'm pretty much WIRED.
And that makes for a DIFFICULT STUDY SESSION.....

They should put warnings on the Starbucks coffee cups: DON'T DRINK IF YOU PLAN ON SITTING STILL!!!!!

Peace out, lovies!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Some Poems I've Written

Tell me what you think of them:

"Being a Freshman"
I’m stuck to the ground where I stand,
Mute, unable to speak.
I would try, but I don’t know
If what I say
Will make them mad.
Because who knows what they might do
Because I’m stuck to the ground,

"Ethereal Thoughts"
My mind whirled with its capricious thoughts
And I wondered what I might do.
As I thought and I thought my ethereal thoughts,
The allure of the crux had become too much
And I wondered what I might do.
I could not circumvent the implacable thoughts
That tortured my whimsical mind.
So there I stood,
Wondering if I should
Succumb to the thoughts that troubled me.

Limericks (You probably won't understand the last two unless you go to my school):

There once was a man named Macbeth
Who thought he could cheat past his death.
He then saw the tree,
And said, “How could this be?”
And soon he would take his last breath.

A man named Barba taught Stat
And he always knew where it’s at.
He would talk about Dirk,
He’d tell jokes and he’d smirk.
Then he’d sing us a song ‘bout a cat.

There once was a girl with a cough
Who said that I liked to scoff.
But when I denied,
Her mouth would go wide:
“Are you trying to piss me off?”