Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Some Poems I've Written

Tell me what you think of them:

"Being a Freshman"
I’m stuck to the ground where I stand,
Mute, unable to speak.
I would try, but I don’t know
If what I say
Will make them mad.
Because who knows what they might do
Because I’m stuck to the ground,

"Ethereal Thoughts"
My mind whirled with its capricious thoughts
And I wondered what I might do.
As I thought and I thought my ethereal thoughts,
The allure of the crux had become too much
And I wondered what I might do.
I could not circumvent the implacable thoughts
That tortured my whimsical mind.
So there I stood,
Wondering if I should
Succumb to the thoughts that troubled me.

Limericks (You probably won't understand the last two unless you go to my school):

There once was a man named Macbeth
Who thought he could cheat past his death.
He then saw the tree,
And said, “How could this be?”
And soon he would take his last breath.

A man named Barba taught Stat
And he always knew where it’s at.
He would talk about Dirk,
He’d tell jokes and he’d smirk.
Then he’d sing us a song ‘bout a cat.

There once was a girl with a cough
Who said that I liked to scoff.
But when I denied,
Her mouth would go wide:
“Are you trying to piss me off?”

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